His name is Carter Howard. He weighed in at 5 lbs even and stretched out to 18 inches (once he quit squirming).
He joined us (almost 5 weeks early) amidst some drama, but everything worked out just fine and both baby & mama are healthy.
So, as the the dynamics of our life change I figured it was time for a change in the blog universe as well. I have decided to shelve CB's World and focus on something a little differnet.
Sure I will miss the "old" material, but I'm sure I will find a away to weave some of the old magic into this new blog. Hey, I'll have plenty to blog about with the baby as it is!
I will start out with afew "safe" pictures. There are others that I feel I should hang on to...that is until he brings home his prom date.
I am also including the first of many probable videos. I'm just so proud of our little peanut!
There are always questions when you first hear a new baby's name, but when your Dad said your name, Carter, it was like who else could you possibly be. Get strong and home soon. You've got a lot of cousins to catch up with. Love, Aunt Dawn