The past couple of weeks have been quite eventful for our little family.
Carter celebrated his first New Year's Eve. Yes, despite his parents best efforts, our little man did indeed ring in the new year!
Continuing our tradition (dating back to Y2K and the "aliens") we celbrated with our close friends who so graciously provided carter with all of the essentials. I almost think that Carter prefers their house to ours! (Just like Athena...) The currently have toys, teething rings, and floor "blankets". They recently added a crib and high-chair...both of which are family pieces that have great sentimental value.
The past week has been one of transiton for Carter. His "last" day at his old daycare was December 31. He actually was supposed to leave the prior day, but I think both he and the providers wanted to squeeze out one more day with him.
This week we attempted to gently familiarize him with the new facility (closer to where Nichole works). His Namé (Nichole's mother) was nice enough to spend the week with him in efforts to assist that transition.
As it turns out, for a number of reasons, we have decided to keep him in his original daycare. It is a vast understatement to say that both Carter and the "old" daycare were excited beyond belief.
We are slowly getting things organized here at the house...sometimes it feels too slow, but hey, what's the big rush right?
To satiate everyone's appetite, here are some recent pictures from our compound.

This is one of Carter's many girlfriends.
"Hey, that looks like something to chew on...gimme!"

"I'm practicing my 'Yuck!' face..."
"Just kidding, gimme something to eat!"
It doesn't seem to matter what we lay down on the floor for Carter to play on, Athena feels the need to give it a "test drive".
Don't worry, no raccoons were harmed in the production of this faux-fur cap.

Here we are celebrating New Year's Eve in Times, in front of Times, how about while Times Square is on the TV?
It's a new year! Gotta get a smooch!
Someone's been watching too many 'All in the Family' reruns.
Parallel parking is tough...especially when you don't know how to drive!